Cross Product

  • find what section cross multiplication is in in the linear folder
  • import it into the database

The cross product is a vector operation that results in another vector rather than a scalar like most of the other operations do. The resulting vector is normal to the original two vectors, this is helpful for applications like finding the equation of a plane.

The direction that the resulting is pointing is given by the right hand rule.

If you have the magnitude of two vectors ( and ) you can use the follow formula to find their cross product:

Where is the angle between the two vectors. See Multivariable Calculus Notes - Applications of Vectors for source and more information.

Cross Products in Python

(Using the SymPy online interpreter) One way to calculate cross products in Python is with the SymPy library. Given two vectors:

We can make two Matrix objects for each vector:

A = Matrix([1,2,3])
B = Matrix([4,5,6])

Then we can find the cross product by using the command:


Example from online interpreter